Year 6 (Class 16) - R.E - The Story of Moses

Image of Year 6 (Class 16) - R.E - The Story of Moses

Class 16 enjoyed learning about the story of Moses and children completed story boards.

Category: Year 6

Religious Education


Year 6 (Class 15) - R.E - Abraham

Image of Year 6 (Class 15) - R.E - Abraham

Class 15 identified similarities and differences between the Islamic and Christian accounts of Abraham. 

Category: Year 6

Religious Education


Year 6 (Class 15) - R.E - God and Abraham

Image of Year 6 (Class 15) - R.E - God and Abraham

Class 15 have been learning about the covenant between God and Abraham. 

We learnt how God promised that Abraham would be the father of nations and the sacrifices Abraham made to follow Gods requests. 

Category: Year 6

Religious Education


Year 1 (Class 4) - R.E - Cultural Outfits

Image of Year 1 (Class 4) - R.E - Cultural Outfits

As part of our Celebration Day, Mrs Sagoo and Miss Riyat dressed up in their cultural outfits and told us all about the things they do to celebrate Diwali. 

They talked about The Golden Temple in India and brought in some beautiful diya lamps to show us.

Category: Year 1

Religious Education


Year 1 (Class 4) - R.E - Celebrations

Image of Year 1 (Class 4) - R.E - Celebrations

Class 4 have been learning all about different celebrations this term in RE. 

We have helped to organise our Christmas class celebration by making decorations and writing lists of food we would like to eat and games we would like to play at our party.

Category: Year 1

Religious Education


Year 6 (Class 15) - R.E - The Story of Jonah

Image of Year 6 (Class 15) - R.E - The Story of Jonah

Class 15 enjoyed learning about the story of Jonah and how the story of Jonah is remembered during Yom Kippur because it is an example of God’s forgiveness for those who truly repent.  

Children enjoyed acting out scenes in small groups from the story of Jonah.  

Each group performed their…

Category: Year 6

Religious Education


Year 6 (Class 14) - R.E - Jewish Sukkah

Image of Year 6 (Class 14) - R.E - Jewish Sukkah

This week in RE class 14 have made a representation of a Jewish Sukkah. This represents the house that Moses stayed in for 40 years in the dessert.

Category: Year 6

Religious Education


Year 5 (Class 14) - R.E - Jewish Sukkah

Image of Year 5 (Class 14) - R.E - Jewish Sukkah

This week in RE class 14 have made a representation of a Jewish Sukkah. This represents the house that Moses stayed in for 40 years in the dessert.

Category: Year 5

Religious Education


KS1 Collective Worship - Compasion

Image of KS1 Collective Worship - Compasion

In KS1 collective worship we reflected on compassion and other qualities like patience, kindness and gentleness. 

The children could think of times when someone has shown them compassion and kindness.

KS1 came up with fantastic ways to help others when they needed it and could think lots of…

Category: Weekly Worship

Religious Education


Year 1 (Class 4) - R.E - Sukkot

Image of Year 1 (Class 4) - R.E - Sukkot

Class 4 have been learning all about the Jewish celebration of Sukkot. 

We learnt that Jewish people build shelters in their homes called sukkahs and then decorated our own sukkah.

Category: Year 1

Religious Education


Year 6 (Class 16) - R.E - Yom Kippur

Image of Year 6 (Class 16) - R.E - Yom Kippur

Class 16 have learnt about the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur. 

They made a fact file showing the key points of the festival. 

The children recognised, whilst they may follow a different religion, there are similarities between themselves and what the Jewish faith believe. 

Category: Year 6

Religious Education


KS2 Celebration

Image of KS2 Celebration

Celebration – KS2 came together to celebrate the children chosen by their teacher to receive the headteacher’s award.  Some children also receive the attributes award.  

We also celebrate the classes with the best attendance and who have won the most Trackit points.  It is fantastic that we now…

Category: Weekly Worship

Religious Education