Overview of the School

St Bartholomew’s C of E Primary School is a larger than average inner city school serving an area of significant deprivation.Pupils come from a wide range of backgrounds and ethnicities. The proportion of children who join and leave the school within the academic year is significantly higher than national. Many children who arrive at school have little or no English, with many not having been to a school in their country of origin. We have high aspirations and ambitions for our pupils and we strongly believe that it is not about backgrounds, culture or challenges but your passion and thirst for knowledge and your dedication and commitment to learning that make the difference between success and failure. We are determined to ensure that all pupils are given every chance to realise and reach their full potential. Pupil premium funding represents a significant proportion of our budget and we are committed to ensuring it is spent to the maximum effect. For our school, it is important to note that we invest the pupil premium in our pupils regardless of whether they are low attaining or not. The Pupil Premium is specific, additional funding received by schools to provide additional support for children from low-income families or those children who are looked after. The extra funding is provided to schools to help them narrow the attainment gap that still exists between pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds and those from more affluent backgrounds. The funding is provided to children who:

  • Have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years
  • Have been looked after continuously for a period of six months
  • Have parents currently serving in the armed forces

Pupil Premium Documents