All schools in England have a Governing Body which is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school. A key role is to act as a ‘critical friend’: to support, to challenge, to ask questions, ultimately to represent the school community.

The Governors of St. Bartholomew’s are very active and interested in the life of the school. Through attendance at meetings, scrutinising documents and being involved in school events, they gather knowledge about the school to be able to challenge and support school staff to keep standards high in all areas.

The Governing Body works in close partnership with the Headteacher, staff and the local authority. Whilst the Headteacher is, of course, responsible for the day to day running of the school, the governors are involved with such things as staffing, curriculum, school buildings and finance. It ensures the school functions well and maintains the proper range of academic and social objectives.

In November 2014 the governing body elected to reconstitute under the 2012 School Governance Regulation. This allowed us to change the numbers and types of governors we have and to appoint more people on the basis of the skills they could bring to the governing body

The governing body now consists of:

  • The Headteacher – Mrs J Wainwright
  • One elected staff governor – Mrs L McCaffrey
  • One appointed local authority governor – Ms S Banks
  • One foundation governor – Mrs H Robinson
  • One associate governor - Miss C Lawson
  • Four co-opted governors – Mrs S Marston, Mrs S Meyrick, Mr M Singh Bal and Mr C Waring
  • One Parent Governor - Mr F Adenitire

The standard term of office for a governor is four years. The Chair and Vice-chair are elected annually at the first meeting of the academic year.

Important Note: All associate members have voting rights in the committees.

The Chair of governors is Ms Sheila Banks, who can be contacted by e-mailing or writing to the school or via the school office. Much of the work of the governing body is done by committees and at St Bartholomew’s, we have the following committees:

  • Pupil Support
  • Resources
  • Teaching and Learning

All committees meet at least every term or more frequently if required. Associate members have voting rights.

Diversity Information

Equality and diversity are very important at St Bartholomew’s and our Governing Body reflects the diverse community we serve. Whenever we recruit new members onto the Governing Body we try to offer as much information as possible about the role and make it very clear that this role is suitable for any individual who has a keen interest in the life of the school regardless of their age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, culture, marital status, whether they are pregnant or on maternity / paternity leave or have a disability.

We are keen to ensure that everyone is welcome and that our Governing Body is as diverse as possible ensuring we are able to represent and support the diverse population we serve.


Governing Body

Mrs J Wainwright

Mrs J Wainwright


I started my career at the old St Bartholomew’s (many years ago!) which was a much smaller infant school which then moved to our current building and became a large primary school. I did leave to be deputy at another Leeds school then returned to St Bart's, somewhere I very much see as my home, my happy place. I was appointed permanent headteacher in June 2021 following a period as acting headteacher. It was a role that I had aspired to for many years and one I feel very privileged and honored to have. I am part of a very committed leadership and staff team who give 100% to the school and children. I sit on the governing body as the headteacher, working closely with the governors with the role they have. My spare time is taken up mainly by my family, my 18 year old son, Harry, my husband, Jamie and my family. Luckily they all understand the commitments of being a headteacher and are very supportive.

Ms S Banks

Ms S Banks

Chair of Governors

I have chaired the Governing Board for over 8 years having been a Local Education Authority appointed Governor for 35 years. I have always lived in Armley, attending St Bartholomew's school in the long ago demolished Victorian building with outside toilets! I worked for the Department for Work and Pensions for over 40 years and was a Union Representative involved in all aspects of the role from helping members with problems to negotiating HR policies and conditions of service with Government Ministers. I am still involved with my Trade Union and Amnesty International and was previously a Director of the Leeds Credit Union. Since retiring, while making time for music and gardening, I have continued to work for equality and Civil and Human Rights. I very am concerned about the unfairness in our society, and environmental damage and climate change make me worry about what the next generation will have to deal with. I want our children to leave school as caring and socially responsible individuals with the understanding, imagination and skills to be able to face the future with confidence. I have responsibility for monitoring reading and writing, staff pay and appraisal, finance and the working of the Governing Board, and attend the Pupil Support, Curriculum and Resources Committees.

Mrs L McCaffrey

Mrs L McCaffrey

Staff Governor

I first began working at St Bart’s in 2002 as a newly qualified teacher after completing my teaching degree at Leeds Trinity and All Saints University. Working at St Bart’s has given me a range of different opportunities and I have been lucky enough to work in most year groups in school. 22 years later - I am still enjoying working at such a wonderful and rewarding school as Assistant Headteacher and I am also the staff governor. I currently work in Key Stage One which I absolutely love! I feel very privileged to work with such a fantastic team of staff and the most amazing children. In school I lead the English team and work as part of the senior leadership team to drive our school priorities forward and ensure we are delivering the very best education for all of our children. At home I am very busy with my two children Ellie and Jay – taking them to rugby or football and enjoying family time at the weekend. We like to go to the cinema and also enjoy getting some fresh air walking my brother’s dog Chewie (named after Chewbacca from Star Wars).

Mrs H Robinson

Mrs H Robinson

Foundation Governor

I have been a Foundation Governor at St Bartholomew’s for a year now and am really enjoying the challenge but also the privilege of serving the school community. I’m an “Armley Lass” and, apart from a couple of stints away at university, have lived in the area all my life. I was a pupil way back in the mists of time when the current school building was home to Armley Middle School. I have many, many fond memories of those days so when the opportunity arose to become a Foundation Governor at St Bartholomew’s Primary, it felt right to put myself forward so that I could make a positive contribution to the pupils’ school experience and to give back to the community that gave me so much. I’m married to James, and we are proud parents of two boys aged seven and nine who keep us on our toes. My job as an Insolvency Manager is a busy one but I also find time to support the local Scout Group and am active in the St Bartholomew’s, Armley church community. My responsibilities as a member of the Governing Board include attendance, equalities and pupil premium and I am a member of the Pupil Support and Finance Committees.

Miss C Lawson

Miss C Lawson

Associate Governor

St Bartholomew’s has been like my second home and family for over 30 years. Having started my career at the school as a reception teacher, I moved throughout the school, teaching every year group, in the course of my career. During this time, I was curriculum lead for different subjects in school, including Modern Foreign Languages, Religious Education and PHSE. My role in school is now as Designated Safeguarding Lead, a role that is challenging yet very rewarding. St Bartholomew’s is a very special place, where children learn, grow and thrive. The school’s values and key attributes not only equip children with academic qualifications but give them the personal and social skills to become well rounded individuals, who leave our school with the knowledge and confidence to become successful members of society. Being a member of the Pupil Support Committee allows me to make good use of the skills that I have developed as DSL. In the context of the wider governing body, my years of teaching experience, give me an understanding of the ever changing face of education and the increasing demands placed upon schools. I have a good understanding of the school and the local community it serves, having taught many of the parents, whose children now attend the school.

Mrs S Marston

Mrs S Marston

Co-Opted Governor

I am currently the Deputy Headteacher and leader of Early Reading, Maths and Key Stage 1 at Middleton St Mary’s CE (VC) Primary School. I have been teaching in Key Stage 1 and 2 for over 18 years, with a lot of experience teaching in Year 6 and Year 2. In the past, I’ve also been a co-childminder. I’ve lived in Bramley for more than ten years with my husband and my 9-year-old daughter and I have been a resident of Leeds since I started university 23 years ago. I believe that all children should leave school with self-confidence as well as the skills they need to thrive in life and a passion for life-long learning.

Mrs S Meyrick

Mrs S Meyrick

Co-Opted Governor

I have been a member of the Governing Board for the past twelve months having joined as a co-opted governor. I was the Business Manager at St Bartholomew’s for twelve years prior to my retirement in 2022. Since retiring, I have indulged my passions for travel and music, but feel that I still have more to offer the school. I chose to return as a governor to continue using the skills that I developed during my time as Business Manager. I am the Link Governor for SEND, Health and Safety, and Staff Well-being. I am a member of the Pupil Support and Resources Committees.

Mr M Singh Bal

Mr M Singh Bal

Co-Opted Governor

I was born and raised in Leeds, growing up in the local area of Armley and Wortley. I attended St. Bartholomew's Primary School and continued my education at Wortley High School, which no longer exists. Later, I completed my Law LLB degree from Leeds Metropolitan University. After completing my education, I moved to London to start my professional career in policing. I focused on safeguarding and youth engagement, working with young people and helping them make better choices. Currently, I am a company director specializing in property management and adult healthcare services. I believe that every child, regardless of their background or history, deserves equal opportunities to realize their full potential through education and extracurricular activities. Being raised in an environment where everyone is encouraged to support the development and progress of the community, I feel that contributing to my local community through school governance is a way for me to give back and be part of a team that is focused on the best outcomes for children. To ensure a safe environment for pupils, I have taken up the role of Safeguarding Governor at St. Bartholomew's. In this role, I am responsible for ensuring that adults who work in the school, including volunteers, do not pose a risk to pupils. I make sure that staff members undertake training to know how to respond to concerns and are kept up to date with policy and practice. I also ensure that pupils are taught about staying safe and that they feel confident to approach any member of staff if they have a worry or problem.

Mr C Waring

Mr C Waring

Co-Opted Governor

I have been employed by Leeds City Council for over a decade, conducting a range of roles and gaining knowledge, skills and experience working with disadvantaged pupils and those of diverse backgrounds. I first began my career in education at a young age of sixteen years old, working as a sport coach at a one-form entry school in east Leeds. Following this role, I then became a teaching assistant, working 1:1 with children with profound Special Educational Needs. After two years, I then transferred to a 3-form entry school in south Leeds where I carried out the role of a Higher-Level Teaching assistant, before eventually qualifying as a teacher. I am now employed by the local authority and work as part of the educational psychology team, with our focus being on supporting children with special educational needs at the earliest stage through via consultation. My role working for the local authority has helped me to develop a strong understanding of the graduated approach cycle and how this can be used as a tool to support children to make good personal and academic progress. I am a highly determined, motivated individual with long term aspirations to develop my knowledge of effective, evidence-based Special Educational Needs provision and educational phycology. Making a positive difference to children and young peoples' lives is a huge passion of mine and I pride myself on ensuring equality and equity are at the forefront of the educational experiences that children and young people endeavor in. I am aware of the challenges children and young people face currently and how neurodiversity can impact future opportunities and live fulfillment. For this reason, one of my desires as the SEND Governor at St Bart's is to ensure that all children feel safe, valued and that education is suited to their needs, capabilities and strengths.

Mr F Adenitire

Parent Governor


Overview of Committees

The governors are not responsible for the day-to-day management of school but review, and monitor aspects of school and hold the head and school accountable for specific areas.

Pupil Support: This committee reviews behaviour policies, safeguarding, attendance, spiritual moral social and cultural development, children, parent and staff voice, equality and diversity, extra-curricular activities and school partnerships.

Resources: This committee looks at staffing including performance management, finance, property management, health and safety, risk management and GDPR.

Teaching and learning: This committee is responsible for the curriculum, target setting, assessment and outcomes, quality of teaching and School Improvement Planning.

Governance Statement

Governor General Documents

Governor Linking Records