Welcome from our headteacher

I am very proud to be the headteacher at St Bartholomew’s I and will do my best to ensure that after a very challenging few years we are able to focus on the children’s learning to work towards our vision of being an outstanding school. 

We are a large, Church of England, inner city, multi-cultural church school, which bases its ethos and vision on Christian values. We value the contribution that everyone makes to school life, placing great importance on creating fulfilled and happy people. 

Our school’s Christian vision represents all that we strive for: using the story of The Lost Sheep to underpin our belief that no child or adult be left behind and we will support all our school family to flourish and achieve their best. 

We have high expectations of all children both socially and academically. We aim to provide young people with the experiences they need to develop into successful learners; confident individuals and compassionate citizens of society. 

It is our aim that at the end of their years' at St Bartholomew’s, all children will have a sense of achievement and fulfilment as a result of their experiences here and will leave us for their next school as a flourishing individual. 

The governors, teachers, support staff and all stakeholders are dedicated to providing the best possible broad and balanced education for your child and we work enthusiastically to achieve this. 

We look forward to welcoming you to work in our school and hope it is an enjoyable and developmental experience in your professional journey. 

If you already work with us, I would like to thank you for your hard work and if you are just joining us, welcome to what I hope you will find to be a truly great experience with hard working staff and the most amazing children. 

I hope that your child will be very happy with us and I hope we can work together to ensure they achieve their best.

Please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.

Mrs Jane Wainwright, Headteacher

Senior Management Team

Headteacher: Mrs Jane Wainwright

Deputy Headteacher & Years 5 and 6: Mr David Needham

Assistant Head Teacher & Early Years: Mrs Kath Brown

Assistant Head Teacher & Years 1 and 2: Mrs Lisa McCaffrey

Assistant Head Teacher & Years 3 and 4: Mr Billy Waters

Class Teachers

EYFS (Nursery & Reception)

Phase Leader: Faye Ingleson

Assistant Head: Mrs Brown



Nursery Teacher: Mrs Nina El Ghitaoui

Covering Teacher: Miss Harvey



Class 1: Miss Alana Poole        

Class 2: Mrs Faye Ingleson

Covering Teacher: Miss Harvey

SEND Teacher: Miss Sarah Appleton


Year 1 & Year 2

Phase Leader: Mrs Lisa McCaffrey

Class 3: Mr Jack Waddell

Class 4: Miss Rachel Hainsworth

Class 5: Mrs Megan Hartnett

Class 6: Mrs Rebecca Watson

Covering class 3 to class 6: Miss Fiona Mills

PPA Cover: Miss Maria Harvey


Year 3 & Year 4

Phase Leader: Mr Billy Waters

Class 7: Mr Tom Emmerson

Class 8: Mrs Stephanie Parker / Mrs Joanne Fields

Class 9: Miss Emma Rawlins

Class 10: Mr Dominic Callaghan

Class 11: Mr Tom Blackburn

Covering class 7 to class 11: Miss Fiona Mills & Mrs Alison Best


Year 5 & Year 6

Phase Leader: Mr David Needham

Class 12: Mr Paul Horsey

Class 13: Mr David Leadbeater

Class 14: Mrs K Dixon

Class 15: Mrs Lyndsey Smith

Class 16: Mrs Daisy Christie

Covering class 12 to class 16: Mrs Alison Best

Administration Staff

Bursar / Business Manager: Mr Richard Aaron

Administrators: Mrs Jo Drake / Mrs Lee Stead / Mrs Sarah Busby

Senior ICT Technician: Mr Paul Worsnop

Superintendent: Mr Dale Tumilty

Pastoral Staff

Family Support Lead / Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss Collette Lawson

Family Support Assistant: Mrs Sue Handley

Support Staff


Miss Camile Grange, Miss Emma Howden, Molly Dickinson



Haley Giliker, Amanda Lavery, Naomi Baker, Zdenka Cisarova, Gurbux Panesar, Joy Igbojionu


Year 1 & Year 2

Lisa O’Brien, Kate Bedford, Zdenka Kissova, Jasbir Sagoo, Emma Henty, Mineeta Riyat


Year 3 & Year 4

Janet Roberts, Mary Stead, Sue Bent, Amy Kirby, Kath Morris


Year 5 & Year 6

Sam Dyer, David Middleton, Serena Breslin, Dan Howard, Fahima Begum



Naomi Baker, Kirsty Oliver, Rebecca Tramontano, Andrea Hopkins, Yuk Ping Chan

Curriculum Responsibilities

Art: Laurie McSkimmings, Sarah Appleton

ICT: Rebecca Watson, Paul Worsnop

Design Technology: Jack Waddell

English: Lisa McCaffrey, Kattie Dixon, Faye Ingleson, Paige Martin

French: Emma Matley

Geography: Lyndsey Smith

History: Paige Martin

Maths: Billy Waters, Daisy Christie, Alana Poole, Emily Schofield

Music: David Leadbeater

PE: Tom Blackburn, Aiden Clipsham

PSHE: Collette Lawson, Jack Waddell, Paul Horsey

RE / Worship: Jane Wainwright

School Council: Paul Horsey

Science: Stephanie Parker, Tom Emmerson, Joanne Fields