16 November 2023

Image of Nursery - Celebrations

This half term is all about celebrations.

Last week we have learnt all about Diwali, Hindu festival of light and Remembrance Day. We had two minutes silence today and we are proud of all the children as they sat quietly for the whole two minutes.

The children learnt two new songs: Diwali song and ‘10 little fireworks’ song. We have been creating fireworks and listened to firework sounds. We also did the write dance to Firework music.

The children explored coloured rice and made Rangoli patterns in small groups - we were really happy to see a great team work. We have learnt what Diyas are (oil lamps) and read lots of Diwali stories.

We had also learnt 2d shapes and the children were excited to play ‘run to the shape’ game in the outdoor area.

Nursery - Celebrations

Posted by Paul Worsnop

Category: Nursery

Tags: Maths Music Reading and Phonics Religious Education