16 October 2023

Image of Nursery - Learning about Owls

In nursery this week we continued to learn about autumn. We have made story maps and retold the story of 'Owl Babies' using puppets and owl soft toys. We have made nests for owls and fed the owls with some worms (counted to 5).

On our creative table we have been rolling conkers, making collage pictures with leaves, leaf rubbing and printing autumn colour  leaves on trees.  We have also learnt some facts about owls (Did you know that owls have six eyelids and used to be as tall as our nursery children?)

We have opened our mud kitchen in the outdoor area and the children enjoyed making pastas, pies, pizzas and ice cream using natural objects. We have also made some shopping lists for Aldi shop. 

In phonics we continued to play 'Mrs Brown has a box' game and learnt new songs: 'Five little leaves', 'Two little owls' and 'Just like an owl'. 

Nursery - Learning about Owls

Posted by Paul Worsnop

Category: Nursery

Tags: Science Design Technology English Maths